I can't believe Christmas is only a week away now, I feel so guilty for not spreading any Christmas cheer on the blogging world, but truth be known I have been far from jolly, getting all of my art project done for the deadline was very stressful! But anyway, it's a week away now, so surely now I can only get more excited....
Tonight was our last night at Brownies for this year, so we decided to have a 'Help the Heroes' Charity Night. (No more brownies for a month, yay!) Over the past couple of weeks, we had been teaching the brownies a dance that they would perform to their parents and siblings etc. which was all very cute, especially when they were air guitaring!...
This is my very first giveaway, how unbelievably exciting is that! AAAAHHHHHH! This amazing giveaway is in partnership with Firmoo Eyewear. Now, I don't actually need glasses, but I wish I did a little bit after looking at all these gorgeous glasses! There is a great range of gorgeous glasses for really affordable prices! Oooh, I want these! Giveaway Rules and Information: There...
Yeah, you have indeed read that right, I've been nominated for another Liebster Blog Award. And in fact it's not just one award, I've been nominated for two...TWO! Seriously, how amazing is that? I feel really really honoured. The lovely people who have nominated me are: The amazing girls of Vanilla and Lime and Val of The Daily Distraction This award is given...
For a while now I've wanted to redecorate my bedroom, I mean, I love purple, but I'm only at home for another 10 months, so I might as well do it before I leave, so I can have it the way I want it, at least for a little bit. And my colour of choice is Duck Egg Blue. So here are some...
While exploring Pinterest I found some amazing architecture. I know the idea of these type of houses are completely insane, especially in England, especially at this time of year because you would freeze! But I love them! via via via via They are so beautiful, I've always had a fantasy about living in the woods and although we don't have any proper wild...
A couple of weeks ago we started our new project, which is called 'The Unexpected Guest', based on the current Liverpool Biennial, which is all honesty I didn't like very much, there were a couple of things that I liked, but I wasn't impressed by most of it and didn't find anyone who was relevant to my project. For my project I've decided...
About a month ago (maybe) i was contacted about an amazing competition! And guess when the deadline is? Well, it's at midnight tonight, ahhhhh, well done me, cutting it pretty close. The competition is from Westfield London! And basically what you have to do is put together your dream wardrobe on pinterest using the brands within the village at Westfield London and then...
As I mentioned the other day I have been sent a couple of emails recently, asking me to take part in different fashion related competitions, and seriously why not, if I'm given the chance to share my style and possibly win money/clothes, then I might as well do it, because also, I love shoes, and shoes is all this blog post is about!...
I know it's been a while, but here is the next installation of Michaela's 'She Loves Me She Loves Me Not' She Loves Me Pansies via These flowers are just so lovely, I love the contrast in colours, although the favourite are the mini ones, I even painted them for my GCSE final piece...So pretty! String Art It's so...
While helping my sister find some prom dress ideas (yes, her prom isn't for about 9 months, but to be fair I started looking about a year and a half early), we were looking on ASOS and I can across this dress! Mango Colour Block Dress So simple but sophisticated. And guess how much it is? £6.50 How good is that, down from £14.99...
Ladies Ladies Ladies, I have a new phone! It is so blooming sexy! For the past two years I had a blackberry, at first it was a nice purple one that I was completely in love with, however that broke, so I had to have my Mum's black one for the remainder of my contract. However I was eligible for an upgrade as...
When we started the foundation course we all knew it was going to be stressful, but as we got closer and closer to our deadline we started to understand how hard we have to work, how often we have to work and how stressful this course was going to be. And for all of you who don't do an art course of any...
That's right, today I am starting a new job. I am so so so very grateful for this job, when I got the call I was practically squealing down the phone. I had my interview on the 10th October, after I'd finished at college for the day, honestly I was quite nervous, but once I sat down in the office, I felt a...
Now I don't usually post twice in one day...buuuutt, I've been a bad blogger lately, so why not? Also this is a lovely link-up that I haven't taken part in in quite a while, so I'm going to try and resume my habit of being part of it. Pretty fowers; YAY! Oh, I'm such a good photographer, I joke. Dear Cold but Sunny...
Hello lovely ladies of the blogging world! I am still mostly absent from the blogging world because life is cruel and I'm still mourning over my laptop until it is resurrected with a new battery, as I'm writing this I am using the ultra slow family PC, I will just say it's so slow that I had to double click the Google Chrome icon...