March 2012 - Beth Mac Designs

Pearl and Flower Necklace {DIY}

Here is a tutorial for a necklace I made some time last year.  It looks pretty with a long sleeved black top, jeans and pink heels.  I've been meaning to do this tutorial for a while, but to be honest I've just never been in the mood, but now that the sun has emerged I'm a lot happier and I'm getting a lot...

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An English Tradition

Today, in North West England, I would say that it is our first official sunny weekend and it has been magnificent ! I got home today from a friend's house at around 12:30 to find my Dad and siblings just hanging around in the garden; something I haven't seen since last summer! So I thought that I must too hold up one of...

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Dress #1

Here's a quick revelation; when I grow up (makes me sound about 6) I want to be a fashion designer (and I have since I was about 6). Therefore I have decided to dedicate a post to each dress I make, believe me there aren't many because I don't have a lot of spare time or much money for material. Now this is the...

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A Wonderful Little Shop.

Whilst in Brighton I spent quite a bit of my time in a Gorgeous little shop called 'Imi Loa', to me it was called 'Clare's Shop', so I actually had to investigate to discover what it was actually called. I was and still am completely in love with this shop, everything was just so beautiful. I could have spent so much money in...

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DIY Mug Decoration

Okay, been a while since I've done a DIY, especially as this is only my second one, sacre blue!  And not that this is particularly difficult, but I thought I'd share as not many people know about these awesome pens! You will need: A mug (or several) Porcelain Pens! An Oven Tracing Paper (optional) Sellotape (optional) Pencil (optional) 1. Clean your mug and...

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She Loves me She Loves Me Not

You’d think it would be easy to write about things you love and things that don’t quite float your boat. But when you really have to think about, think about it, write about it and make it look pretty, it suddenly becomes very difficult. Everyday we will all say at some point “Oh, I love that.” But unfortunately there is not a little...

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"I am Alive, I can Think..."


Late Night Conversations

“You have to live in your own world, because real life is too depressing.” My friend said this one evening while we were out for a leisurely stroll at 11 o’clock at night, and to some respects I agree with his statement. Sometimes everything in life just seems to be coming at you from all angles and it can give the individual some...

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Everyday from our college we are sent an email containing the daily bulletin; one day on this bulletin was an advertisement for a 6 week cooking course, obviously I didn't look at it twice, but one of my best guy mates really wanted to go, insisting that I come along, as it'll be fun (he also bribed me with the fact that he'd...

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I Moustache You A Question...

But I'll Shave It For Later! The bored antics of an 18 year old, it's a Monday evening why not take photos before trying to convince myself to go for a run? When I took this photo I realised the light from my Ipod dock was shining on my face (obviously), so I decided to play it up a bit, making me look...

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Oh Honey, Cakes!

While wandering around the house aimlessly today (because the weather was being so indecisive, that I couldn't possibly go out) I found my sister in the kitchen, attempting to make some form of cake. What kind of cake she hadn't quite decided so was just throwing random ingredients into a bowl; from previous experience this isn't safe. Like a guardian angel I arrived in the...

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Pineapple Madness {Inspiration}

Follow my blog with Bloglovin So since the weather is awful, well it's not that bad, but it's not exactly summery is it? I t...


Thank You

I would just like to thank everyone who takes the time to read my scribbles and look at my photos. I really appreciate it!

All photos are property of Beth Mac Designs unless otherwise stated or links are provided.
