A Little bit of Shopping {19/05/14} - Beth Mac Designs

A Little bit of Shopping {19/05/14}


Last week dare I say a little bit of shopping was done, so let's have a look shall we?

Black Bow Ballet Pumps| Primark| £6
Unfortauntly my nice expensive shoes from next are in need of repair, so while in work I had a little mission of finding a nice little pair black shoes that would be cute and comfy in the mean time. And I found these, they are wide fit as well as having some padding for the ball of your foot. However the padding deflated pretty quickly once you start wearing them, but it doesn't make them any less comfy.

Heavenly Lift White Bra| Primark| £5
These are my favourite bras from Primark, although they might not be the prettiest ones that give you a nice little lift (and believe me I need it), although I do have a floral one, which is currently my favourite bra. What I dislike about most Primark bras, especially the cheaper ones is the mesh that is used for the back of the bra, I find it really uncomfortable. However the fabric that the Heavenly Lift bras are made from is extremely soft and I find them incredibly comfy to wear. Big Thumbs up.

Stripy Oversized Top| New Look| £4 (in sale)
Once upon a time when I was skinnier I had a lovely stripy top from Topshop, which no longer fits nicely, and then I saw this and all I could think was I want it, I want it, so I got it, after all it was only £4, however if I had remembered correctly my old top wasn't that flattering on me, and neither is this one, but who doesn't like a good oversized top when they are trying to be comfy. In terms of styling though, it looks good with a pair of skinny jeans and a leather jacket or a nice plum/black/lace (basically anything) skater skirt. I think this top would look really nice with a pair of peachy pink skinny jeans, however that just isn't something I can pull off.

Neon Pocket Mirror| Primark| £1
When I work on the tills at work we have these bowls that are usually filled with some form of accessory, and one day there were these bright pink mirrors, and I wanted one, I wanted one so bad that I was devastated when I came into work two days later and they were gone. But when shopping with my Grandma I managed to find one, which she then bought for me (as well as the heavenly lift bra). Now, neon pink would not usually be my think, but I am strangley attracted to it, I also think it's better than the other pocket mirrors that Primark sell, as the casing seems to be a lot thicker so the mirror is less likely to break and it also has a little magnet to help keep it closed, I guess what of the good things about it being so bright is it'll be easy to find in my bag.

Has anyone else found any good bargains recently?

And remember each day, live a little, laugh a little and love a little. 

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