This is No Dress Rehearsal


This is just a quick post to say how much I want and need this dress. It's only £22.99 from Mango, so I might actually save up a little bit for this one, it would make such a lovely summer dress, with either flats or heels!


Yellow is not really my colour, but I just love this dress, I can't even begin to describe how much I love it! Although I daffodils are lovely I would love this dress even more if it has beautiful red poppies on it, really wish I could make some fabric myself; never mind *sigh*.
I can imagine my Mum would be stealing it from my wardrobe to wear with leggings on a night out!
But she has suggested that if my job interview is a success I should treat myself as I'm going to be able to earn some money.
What does everyone think, it is worth the money?

So remember, each day, live a little, laugh a little and love a little. 

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I would just like to thank everyone who takes the time to read my scribbles and look at my photos. I really appreciate it!

All photos are property of Beth Mac Designs unless otherwise stated or links are provided.
