November 2015 - Beth Mac Designs
Posts from the Past

DIY Recap Part Two

Part Two of my DIY recap! As I'm sure you can tell as you go through the photos or maybe even read my DIYs, that my photography and presentation has gotten much better. Summer Bag {DIY} Wallpaper Mirror {DIY} Earring Holder {DIY} 52 Reasons Why I Love You {DIY} Glitter Bowl {DIY} I would probably say this post contains the better DIYs, but...

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Posts from the Past

Baking Recap

As you can probably tell from some of my recent posts, I really love baking, in fact it is probably my primary hobby! So keeping in with my recap theme it is only right that I do a baking recap of all the recipes I have shared over the past 4 years! Sweets+Cakes=YUMMY Oh Honey, Cakes! When Life Gives You Lemons...Make Cupcakes! Chocolate...

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River Island Bargains {Shopping}

To celebrate the amazing savings that will appear tomorrow for Black Friday I thought I would share with you my recent sale finds from River Island (we took the the sale off the floor about two weeks ago, but now we have some great seasonal offers on, which may have something to do with Black Friday- luckily for me a knitwear gilet that...

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Why I Love Autumn

Okay, I know it isn't really Autumn any more, some parts of the UK have had snow already! But just before we get to December and go all Christmas crazy, I might as well share why I love autumn, but to be honest some things may be very similar (to leading up to) things I love about Christmas. The Cold Icy Mornings For...

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Posts from the Past

DIY Recap Part One

It appears that over the course of my blog existence I have done quite a lot of DIYs, mostly from the early day when I had a lot more spare time! In fact, I decided to split my DIY recap into two parts! (Please forgive the quality of the photography as I was only starting out and didn't own a decent camera- I...

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Mini PomPoms {DIY}

A couple of weeks ago I did a post about some of the wonderful Pom Pom Shoes I had found on the internet, but of course I needed a cute header image, so I thought, I know, I'lk make some cute little Pom Poms, and I thought I's share with you my quick and easy DIY for mini Pom Poms! You will need:...

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Life Update {November}

I think maybe it's time I shared some information about my personal life lately, since I haven't really given anything away with my other posts. And since I'm planning on relaunching my blog, it's only fair that I share a little about myself (I'll be doing a proper profile type thing after the relaunch). I'm now a third year Fashion Design student, which...

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Posts from the Past

Top Posts Recap

As promised I will be posting a couple of posts that will link to some of my posts from the past. I thought I'd start with the posts that have been ranked as my top posts (although I must admit there is quite a big leap from my most popular to the third most popular). 52 Reasons Why I Love You {DIY} Duck...

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Relauch {Blog}

For a while now I have been a bad blogger, not just a bag blogger, a terrible blogger. My poor blog would get ignored for months at a time, it's not that I didn't think about it, I did try to think of blog posts, I just never had the inspiration to get any posts done. But things are going to change now,...

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Pom Pom Shoes {Wish LIst}

For a while now I have been lusting after Pom Pom Shoes. I remember, back when I was in high school or college (between the ages 15 to 18), my best friend had the most lovely pair of mink coloured shoes, featuring: you guessed it; Pom Poms, and I wanted them so badly, but I could never afford them. But Pom Pom shoes...

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Featured post

Pineapple Madness {Inspiration}

Follow my blog with Bloglovin So since the weather is awful, well it's not that bad, but it's not exactly summery is it? I t...


Thank You

I would just like to thank everyone who takes the time to read my scribbles and look at my photos. I really appreciate it!

All photos are property of Beth Mac Designs unless otherwise stated or links are provided.
